Perception of university students about the LGBTI community



Discrimination, LGBTI Community, Perception, University Students


Discrimination and exclusion towards the LGBTI community is a constant problem in society, since, being a minority group, they do not fully enjoy their rights and duties, because heterosexuals motivated by their attitudes and behaviors tend to reject to this population. For this reason, it is important to mention that, in Ecuador, acts of violence such as; aggressions, insults, humiliations, even murder, this demonstrates the intolerance of a group of people against homosexuals, whether for their beliefs, cultural, moral and religious. This problem contributes to the knowledge of society, starting from the perspective that university students have on the LGBTI community, allowing to identify acceptance and respect for people with different sexual orientation; the study based on the attitudes, knowledge and behaviors of the students, with a human rights approach, related to the educational and social field, and in and in such a way this problem is approached from the reality that each individual lives, so that in Based on this, public policies are implemented at the national and local level to achieve equality and equity in the population. The purpose was to analyze the perceptions of the students about the LGBTI community in the Social Work; the method was quantitative and descriptive approach, for the collection of information the survey technique was used and as an instrument questionnaire of questions and the structured interview to apply to the directors of the University Welfare department.

Keywords: Discrimination, LGBTI Community, Perception, University Students.


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How to Cite

Urgilés-León, S., Aguilar-Urgilés, K. E., & Villa-Guillermo, R. M. (2022). Perception of university students about the LGBTI community. Revista Científica Y Arbitrada De Ciencias Sociales Y Trabajo Social: Tejedora. ISSN: 2697-3626, 5(9), 186–196. Retrieved from