Special educational needs in boys, girls and adolescents: An interdisciplinary approach from pre-professional practice and link with society.



Discapacidad, inclusión, intervención psicopedagógica, necesidades educativas especiales


The research was carried out in the Diagnostic, Research, Psychopedagogical and Inclusion Support Unit -UDIPSAI-, created in November 2014 within the framework of the research and community outreach project "Psychopedagogical Support", funded by the Catholic University of Cuenca, in order to achieve the substantive functions of higher education such as the resolution of society´s  problems facing needs and demands of the Cuenca canton.The largest population served comes from public institutions 65%, private 33% and fiscomisional 2%; the intervention has made it possible to significantly improve the teaching-learning processes as well as the personal, family and community life conditions of the beneficiaries. The research was developed during the period September 2016 - September 2019, having a universe of 2056 users without significant difference based on gender; the area of greatest attention was Educational Psychology (57%), followed by Clinical Psychology (19%), Language Therapy (8%), Social Work (6%), Dentistry (6%) and Pedagogical Recovery  (2%). Information was collected through the application of a structured survey to teachers of the beneficiary educational institutions and parents of the students who were attended; The results show that 96% of the respondents rate UDIPSAI services as excellent, and that the evaluation process and psychopedagogical intervention promoted the achievement of the inclusive education principle.

Keywords: Disability, Inclusion, Psycho-pedagogical Intervention, Special Educational Needs.


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How to Cite

Cárdenas-Lata, B. J., Herrera-Hugo, B. de los A., & Flores-Lazo, E. T. (2022). Special educational needs in boys, girls and adolescents: An interdisciplinary approach from pre-professional practice and link with society. Revista Científica Y Arbitrada De Ciencias Sociales Y Trabajo Social: Tejedora. ISSN: 2697-3626, 5(9), 143–154. Retrieved from https://publicacionescd.uleam.edu.ec/index.php/tejedora/article/view/283