Results of telemedicine and its doctor-patient interaction, in the face of the Covid 19 pandemic, in the working population of the City of Manta



Telemedicina, Interacción, médico- paciente


The present study aims to know the results of telemedicine and its doctor-patient correlation and interaction in the working population of Manta city during the period 2020. This quali-quantitative research covers an exploratory study method, a survey applied to a sample of 387 people from the working population of Manta. Significant results were obtained in relation to telemedicine, where 74% of the population stated that medical care should remain in the traditional method, with direct contact and face-to-face check-ups, while 26% indicated that this modality is not necessary to effectively carry out a medical appointment. Regarding to a good treat-service applied to patients by the doctor, 55.7% of the contestants said that they received a good service, while 3.9% pointed out that there was not a fair service through the telemedicine process. These results allow us to analyze in depth the advantages and disadvantages of telemedicine, and its effectiveness in the prescriptions that are issues online to patients. In conclusion we can state that this popular method called Telemedicine is an option against the pandemic we are facing in order to avoid possible contagions, nevertheless, it does not give the necessary guarantees and safety for the patient who attends to a doctor's appointment, those appointments has traditionally been rooted with auscultation, physical checkup and other processes that are involved in a medical appointment.

Keywords: Telemedicine, Interaction, doctor-patient.


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How to Cite

Aragundi-Muñoz, A. C., & Juárez-Méndez, A. J. (2022). Results of telemedicine and its doctor-patient interaction, in the face of the Covid 19 pandemic, in the working population of the City of Manta. Revista Científica Y Arbitrada De Ciencias Sociales Y Trabajo Social: Tejedora. ISSN: 2697-3626, 5(9), 18–26. Retrieved from