Interpersonal relationships and its influence on the family nucleus in the framework of the COVID-19 pandemic. from the academic experience



Interpersonal Relations, Social Work, Family, Bonds


This research work is of a bibliographic nature, it is framed with Axis 5, the same one that emphasizes Social Work in the human relations of the new realities, because nowadays returning to normality will not be so simple for no member of the family and this can become a problem within the family nucleus, however, from the academic experience of the subject Theories and Processes of Social Work with groups we have called the topic: “INTERPERSONAL RELATIONS AND THEIR INFLUENCE ON THE FAMILY NUCLEUS IN THE FRAMEWORK OF THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC. FROM THE ACADEMIC EXPERIENCE. ”; which aims to impart the importance of interpersonal relationships within the home for coexistence and how they influence the family nucleus, in this period where we find ourselves more hours at home.The type of research is explanatory because we will use sources of information, published articles that I know will be chosen in a meticulous way in order to obtain a broad and balanced understanding of the selected topic; and experimental because we can determine the causes or effects that can be caused.

Keywords: Interpersonal Relations, Social Work, Family, Bonds.


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How to Cite

Vera-Del Pezo, M. J., Lucas-Vélez, J. K., & Zambrano-Cevallos, J. P. (2021). Interpersonal relationships and its influence on the family nucleus in the framework of the COVID-19 pandemic. from the academic experience. Revista Científica Y Arbitrada De Ciencias Sociales Y Trabajo Social: Tejedora. ISSN: 2697-3626, 4(8), 107–117. Retrieved from