Intervention of the social worker in labor inclusion for people in a situation of disabilities



Social Work, intervention, Special capabilities, Inclusion, Labor


It was possible to establish this investigative study with the purpose of knowing the intervention of the social worker in the labor inclusion of people with disabilities, where an inquiry was carried out through the application of interviews, applied to the Social Worker and the people with disabilities who work within it, through a study with a qualitative approach, where it was possible to show that within the legal protocols they have the right to job stability, to carry out their work in an environment healthy and safe, receive remuneration in accordance with what is established by law, in addition to the programs and activities carried out by the Social Worker, are home visits, empowerment talks, training on the rights that support them, this in order to that have the same quality of rights, in terms of the perception of collaborators with d disability it is reiterated that there is a high degree of importance that is given to people with disabilities so that they can carry out their work activities according to their functions, being necessary to treat this issue as a reference that must be carried out more in depth in several organizations to know the state in which people with disabilities are, carry out activities and programs that contribute to strengthening labor relations, which are closely related to inclusion.

Keywords: Social Work, intervention, Special capabilities, Inclusion, Labor.


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How to Cite

Anchundia-Parrales, G. N., Cuenca-Delgado, R. A., & Moreira-Valencia, J. E. (2021). Intervention of the social worker in labor inclusion for people in a situation of disabilities. Revista Científica Y Arbitrada De Ciencias Sociales Y Trabajo Social: Tejedora. ISSN: 2697-3626, 4(8), 81–89. Retrieved from