Final stage of life of the elderly adult who is in a situation of abandonment
Final Stage, Elderly, AbandonmentAbstract
The objective of this research was to describe the end of life of the elderly who have been abandoned in a residencial for older people located in the Manta canton in the 2019. For this it was applied a survey about the impact of abandonment on their personal relationships; in addition the Barthel functional evaluation scale index was applied to 37 elderly hosted in this establishment and interviews were directed to experts in the field of abandonment. The survey and the functional evaluation scale allowed to measure the quality of personal relationships and the actions which elderly performed to achieve daily life basic needs. As conclusions is found that the quality of personal relationships combines the time, the type of relationship and the comunication for the construction of friendships; it is also found that the fulfillment and satisfaction of basic needs are connected with the age and, on the other hand, the sense of belonging at home passes through the time and the capacity for adaptation to the environment. We consider that this study will contribute to the understanding of the family abandonment impact and the progress in personal relationships achieved by the older people who are facing the final stage of life.
Keywords: Final Stage, Elderly, Abandonment.
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