Creencias familiares y rendimiento escolar: Hacia una reestructuración cognitiva
Reestructuración cognitiva, Creencias, Familia, AprendizajeAbstract
Education throughout history has been part of the development of society. Every human being begins this path at birth and being part of the primary social group called the family, where stories that are internalized and probably modified or strengthened with subsequent social relations are attributed. This research seeks to determine the impact of family beliefs on the school development of students who are part of various Catholic educational communities of the canton Manta; through a qualitative and quantitative study that allowed to know the opinions of a finite population of 327 parents or legal representatives who together with the bibliographic review clarified the idea of generating changes in action; because, these thoughts or beliefs are in constant connection with the processes posed by Catholic centers whose goal is to provide educational services for children and adolescents. Because of this situation, it is analyzed to consolidate the relationships between the members of the educational community through the implementation of projects that motivate their interaction, with methodologies such as those proposed by Learning Communities.
Keywords: Cognitive Restructuring, Beliefs, Family, Learning.
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