Violencia intrafamiliar y confinamiento por COVID-19 en 14 conjuntos habitacionales “casa para todos” de Manabí año 2020


  • Emilia Vera-Ibarra Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí. Manta, Ecuador.
  • Mariela Chávez-Intriago Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí. Manta, Ecuador.


Violencia intrafamiliar, familias, conflictos, efectos, tipologías, confinamiento


The objective of the applied study is to identify the causes of intra-family violence due to house confinement by Covid-19 in the homes of families in the Casa para Todos housing complexes, to which a study was applied under the mixed, which was carried out by on top of the information gathering, finding certainties and dissecting phenomena, with a level of descriptive and bibliographic research, for this the population under study were 324 families, and two professionals in the area of Social Work to know their intervention from their professional act To whom a survey and interview data collected and entered into the SPSS program was applied, which determined the correlation of the study variables, where it was obtained as results that the actions that generate intra-family violence, confinement by Covid-19, increases the intolerance, inability to solve problems, which leads to consuming alcohol or drugs, this s e produced by the lack of rules in the home, lack of spaces for dialogue and even due to the economic situation due to the trigger for the untimely dismissals that affected several families, the lack of economic resources can generate indications of violence or conflicts within their homes, where there are violent actions that can suffer physical, emotional, and psychological damage, focused on having self-esteem problems, an increase in the alteration of the emotional state.

Keywords: Domestic violence, families, conflicts, effects, typologies, confinement.


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How to Cite

Vera-Ibarra, E., & Chávez-Intriago, M. (2021). Violencia intrafamiliar y confinamiento por COVID-19 en 14 conjuntos habitacionales “casa para todos” de Manabí año 2020. Revista Científica Y Arbitrada De Ciencias Sociales Y Trabajo Social: Tejedora. ISSN: 2697-3626, 4(7), 64–76. Retrieved from