Sticky soils: equity in relationships and potentialization of human talent


  • Ángel Patricio Poaquiza-Poaquiza Docente de la Universidad Técnica de Ambato, Facultad de Jurisprudencia y Ciencias Sociales, Carrera de Derecho. Ambato, Ecuador.
  • Aída Patricia Haro-Lara Docente de la Universidad Técnica de Ambato, Facultad de Jurisprudencia y Ciencias Sociales, Carrera de Trabajo Social. Ambato, Ecuador.
  • Malena Karina Quiroga-López Docente de la Universidad Técnica de Ambato, Facultad de Jurisprudencia y Ciencias Sociales, Carrera de Trabajo Social. Ambato, Ecuador.


Social construction, education, inequity, workspace, patriarchy


The research aimed to demonstrate the importance of sticky soils in the professional life of women through the analysis of gender policies and the potentialization of human talent. Traditionally, women have been relegated to their natural  space and identified by the patriarchy with the meaning of being a mother who, by naturalization. Aspect related to work, especially with the opportunities and rights to access positions of power. The research method used was the mixed qualitative and quantitative. Qualitative because the factors and aspects that influenced sticky soils as limiting of women were analyzed and quantitative by the use of techniques such as the survey and interview whose analysis and interpretation evidenced the reality experienced by so many women who hold leadership positions and who aspired to occupy them. The research concluded that women who are professionals and occupy a managerial or responsible position live their lives more calmly, fulfill their dreams and goals without neglecting their personal life, their partner, their children, and their family. It has been shown that study and preparation lead women to develop according to their ideals and dreams, regardless of the limitations or discrimination they experience due to the stereotypes that surround them. On the contrary, women who do not hold positions of responsibility suffer from discrimination on the part of their partner, family, or work circle; therefore, surveys have revealed that women in this group prefer to choose not to have children.

Keywords: Social construction, education, inequity, workspace, patriarchy.


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How to Cite

Poaquiza-Poaquiza, Ángel P., Haro-Lara, A. P., & Quiroga-López, M. K. (2020). Sticky soils: equity in relationships and potentialization of human talent. Revista Científica Y Arbitrada De Ciencias Sociales Y Trabajo Social: Tejedora. ISSN: 2697-3626, 3(6 Ed. esp.), 70–79. Retrieved from