Intervention of the social worker in the basic education of children of El Empalme, Ecuador, year 2017

Investigation article


  • Leonela Romero-De La Cruz Investigadora independiente. Manta, Ecuador.
  • Patricia López-Mero Decana de la Facultad de Trabajo Social, Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí. Manta, Ecuador.


Intervention, family, social work, basic education


The intervention of the Social Worker is essential in the educational environment, since it enhances the self- development of the students, the process of identification, interpretation and resolution of conflict situations, to later influence teaching, seeking as a result educational excellence in all its aspects. This research work has revealed the model of intervention of the Social Worker in relation to the basic education of boys and girls in El Empalme, Ecuador, through a study with a mixed approach carried out in 2017. Surveys and interviews were carried out with the community involved in student training and development at the basic education level. In educational institutions, various conflicts that affect the cognitive development of minors can be observed, such as bullying, abuse of students by their peers, family difficulties, social differences, which in addition to affecting the life of the infant incites them school failure and therefore the rejection of society. It is affirmed that the Social Worker intervenes positively in the development of the basic education processes of children, concluding that the intervention model used by the Social Worker has an ecological approach, because, through the interaction between the child , the family, the teachers and the community, the intervention is guaranteed, allowing the professional to recognize and give attention to the needs of the infants.

Keywords: Intervention, family, social work, basic education.


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How to Cite

Romero-De La Cruz, L., & López-Mero, P. (2019). Intervention of the social worker in the basic education of children of El Empalme, Ecuador, year 2017: Investigation article. Revista Científica Y Arbitrada De Ciencias Sociales Y Trabajo Social: Tejedora. ISSN: 2697-3626, 2(4), 43–54. Retrieved from