Influence of family disintegration on school development of high school students

Investigation article


  • Anais Intriago-Delgado Investigadora independiente. Manta, Ecuador.


Family typology, family disintegration, school development, adolescence, intervention


The present investigation tries to verify the relationship between family disintegration and the academic performance of high school students. This research was carried out in the Salesian Educational Unit "San José" in Manta, Ecuador, with the students of the First BGU (General Unified Baccalaureate), parallel "A" and "B", to determine the number of students who are experiencing a family disintegration and the potential effects on the learning and teaching process of adolescents at this stage of their life. In total 60 students participated in a survey approved by the authorities of the educational institution, as well as parents or student representatives. The family typology identifies the student's family structure, concluding that most of the students belong to single-parent families (48%). In addition, it was determined that there is an incidence of family disintegration in school development, so that 78% of students indicated that family disintegration affects their academic performance. Therefore, low school performance is a socio-educational problem that must be addressed by the relevant professionals in a specific and permanent way in each educational unit, associating in a synergistic way the members of each student's family environment.

Keywords: Family typology, family disintegration, school development, adolescence, intervention.


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How to Cite

Intriago-Delgado, A. (2019). Influence of family disintegration on school development of high school students: Investigation article. Revista Científica Y Arbitrada De Ciencias Sociales Y Trabajo Social: Tejedora. ISSN: 2697-3626, 2(4), 23–29. Retrieved from