



special educational needs, socioemotional vulnerability, university protocols


This research is based on the need to provide structured support to students with especial educatiional needs associated with socioemotional vulnerability in a university context, the main objective was to créate pathways and protocols to ensure effective support at the National University of Chimborazo (UNACH). A mixed methods approch was employed, combining qualitative tolos, such as interviews with key informants, an quantitative data análisis to gain a comprehensive understanding of the issue. The results revealed the lack of specific protocols at the institution and high prevalence of cases related to anxiety and depression among students, additionally, 100% of participants lacked a prior formal mental health diagnosis, highligthing underdiagnosis and limited acces to specialized services, including detection, diagnosis, intervention, and follow-up phases, along with reasonable academic accommodations. In conclusion, this study emphasizes the urgent need to implement inclusive strategies that address students´emotional and academic needs, promoting their well-being and academic success. The findings underscore the importance of a multidisciplinary approach and development of robust institutional policies to address this emerging reality in higher education.


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How to Cite

Villacrés Lara , A. F. . (2025). TSUPPORT PROTOCOLS FOR STUDENTS WITHSPECIAL EDUCATIONAL NEEDS DUE TO SOCIOEMOTIONAL VULNERABILITY AT UNACH. Revista Científica Y Arbitrada De Ciencias Sociales Y Trabajo Social: Tejedora. ISSN: 2697-3626, 8(17 EDICION ESPECIAL), 155–168. https://doi.org/10.56124/tj.v8i17ep.010