Professional ethics, strategic decisions, Municipal GovernmentsAbstract
The objective of this article is to analyze the impact of professional ethics in Decentralized Autonomous Municipal Governments (GAD) and its influence on strategic decision-making, with a specific focus on the Salitre Canton, Guayas Province, Ecuador, during 2024. To this end, a descriptive qualitative methodology was employed, consisting of interviews with key municipal officials, in order to identify how the implementation of an ethical code contributes to strengthening citizen trust by promoting values such as transparency, social responsibility, equity, probity, and impartiality in the management of public resources. Additionally, the study explored how these ethical principles directly influence the formulation of strategic decisions aimed at ensuring an efficient and equitable use of resources, which is reflected in progress and community projects. Through qualitative analysis of the responses obtained, the impact of these decisions was measured, which is expected to be evaluated through concrete indicators and results that demonstrate benefits to the community. The findings suggest that professional ethics plays a key role in ensuring that strategic decisions align with the interests of society, improving public management and promoting sustainable development at the local level. This reinforces the importance of ethics as a fundamental pillar for achieving a more transparent and just government within the context of municipal GADs.
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