Alzheimer's disease, emotional impact, older adults, medical diagnosisAbstract
The objective of this research is to understand the relationship between the diagnosis of Alzheimer's and the emotional repercussions on the families of those affected. The problem lies in the lack of comprehensive understanding of how the diagnosis of Alzheimer's emotionally affects families in Manabí, this increasing incidence of this neurodegenerative disease presents significant challenges for families, who often experience anxiety, stress and changes in dynamics. family when assuming caregiver roles. A quantitative approach was adopted where surveys are implemented as research techniques, which provide a complete view of the families' experience, allowing specific needs to be identified and recommendations to improve emotional support. Among the main results, it was known that 1 in 4 confirmed cases of Alzheimer's have a family history, 85% of caregivers suffer from emotional stress at different levels and only 15% of these have sought professional help, demonstrating the little importance that Caregivers give to their own health. In conclusion, the diagnosis of Alzheimer's mainly affects the mental and emotional health of the relatives of older adults who suffer from this disease.
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