



occupational and recreational activity, quality of life, positive aging


Active aging and quality of life in older adults are central themes in current gerontology. This research focused on improving social work interventions at the Abuelandia Gerontological Center in Cuenca, Ecuador, with the aim of promoting positive aging and improving the quality of life of its residents. To do so, a mixed approach was used that included a literature review, evaluation of current interventions using the Yesavage test, interviews, and participant observation. Specific needs and expectations of older adults were identified, which allowed social work practices at the center to be adapted and optimized. The results showed a decrease in depression levels and an increase in the emotional well-being of users, attributable to the implementation of group and recreational activities tailored to their interests. The research culminated in the formulation of an action plan aimed at maintaining and improving interventions in the long term, ensuring their relevance and effectiveness in improving the quality of life of residents. This study not only provides a practical guide for the Abuelandia Center, but also offers a model applicable to other gerontological centers in Ecuador and the region with similar characteristics, contributing to the development of best practices in the care of older adults.


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How to Cite

Cabrera-García, D. D. ., & Ruiz Ordoñez2, R. E. . (2024). POSITIVE AGING: SOCIAL WORK TO IMPROVE QUALITY OF LIFE IN ABUELANDIA, CUENCA, ECUADOR. Revista Científica Y Arbitrada De Ciencias Sociales Y Trabajo Social: Tejedora. ISSN: 2697-3626, 7(15 EDICION ESPECIAL), 306–318. https://doi.org/10.56124/tj.v7i15ep.021