Community rural, kichwa women, gender violenceAbstract
The present investigation exposes the current situation of gender violence that Kichwa women from the La Calera community go through. This social problem has a long history that adjusts to the demands and changes of the time in women's well-being. However, there are still pending cases to be resolved in the hands of local authorities. The objective of the research is to analyze gender violence in Kichwa women and its effects in the homes of the community. To this end, the study used a mixed methodological design of a correlational, non-experimental type. The following were applied: life stories to the committee leaders, interviews to the participants and the questionnaire aimed at local authorities. The information was analyzed using the statistical tool and the Chi square test to determine if there is a significant difference between the expected results and those observed in one or more categories. Regarding the results, a decrease in violence in women is shown, presenting emotional and economic stability in homes. In conclusion, gender violence against women is a structural and systemic problem with strong patriarchal roots that requires the ethical, political and moral commitment of the State with functional public policies, local authorities, community leaders, willing to act responsibly and firmness against national and international regulations in pursuit of eradicating the problem of violence in rural areas and society in general.
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