wireless network, nodes, sensors, routers, databaseAbstract
This project aims to improve agricultural processes within the sector through the union of electronic and computer systems. An environmental measurement prototype was created from Precision Agriculture, which is characterized by having the Wireless Sensor Networks technology that, based on the IEEE 802.11 standard, allowed the creation of the wireless sensor network. The network is made up of several ESP32 modules, which are configured in such a way that one acts as a coordinating node and the other nodes as routers, which in turn have specific sensors strategically located to measure the abiotic environmental factors that influence crops. such as soil moisture, temperature and humidity of the environment. These nodes, in addition to sensors, are connected to a solenoid valve, which allows the water supplied to the crop to be controlled through the application. For the storage of information, a database was created which is linked to the application where the values provided by the sensors can be viewed. The EDER methodology was used for the development of the prototype, which is applied in technological infrastructure projects, and allowed the progress of its creation.
Keywords: wireless network, nodes, sensors, routers, database.
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