Technologies for the development of a prototype of bovine geo-location


  • Juan Pablo Gutierres-Sánchez Grupo de Investigación SISCOM, ESPAM MFL. Calceta, Ecuador.
  • María Dolores Párraga-Ríos Escuela Superior Politécnica Agropecuaria de Manabí, ESPAM MFL. Calceta, Ecuador.
  • Javier Hernán López-Zambrano Grupo de Investigación SISCOM, ESPAM MFL. Calceta, Ecuador.
  • Fernando Rodrigo Moreira-Moreira Grupo de Investigación SISCOM, ESPAM MFL. Calceta, Ecuador.


Cattle, monitoring, location


The objective of this research was to define a series of alternatives for communication technologies, geopositioning and development boards that allow the construction of a geolocation prototype aimed at cattle, in order to contribute to the prevention of cattle rustling and help farmers to find quickly cattle in the grasslands. For the development of the research, the bibliographic method was used, where an exhaustive investigation of studies carried out on the subject of the last five years was carried out, later a comparison of the technologies used was made to analyze which is the one that best adjusts to the troubled silver. The results of this research showed that the most optimal communication technology to develop prototypes of this type is LoRa, characterized by being a low-power, long-range network and which also allows customers to configure their own network; Of the positioning technologies, the best option is the GPS system due to its level of precision when determining the location of an element; Finally, of the development boards consulted, the one with the greatest advantage is the raspberry pi, however its purchasing power is considerable, so it was decided to select the ESP8266 board, since what is sought is to develop a low-cost prototype that be accessible to farmers.

Keywords: Cattle, monitoring, location.


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How to Cite

Gutierres-Sánchez, J. P., Párraga-Ríos, M. D., López-Zambrano, J. H., & Moreira-Moreira, F. R. (2021). Technologies for the development of a prototype of bovine geo-location. Scientific Journal of Informatics ENCRYPT - ISSN: 2737-6389., 4(7), 14–24. Retrieved from