Monitoring of digital consumer behavior, using data extracted with an eye – tracking


  • Yenifer Lisseth Villaprado Ortiz Universidad Técnica de Manabí UTM
  • Leticia Vaca-Cárdenas Universidad Técnica de Manabí UTM



algorithms, artificial intelligence, eye tracking, marketing, digital consumer


Online shopping has revolutionized the way a product is offered; Therefore, knowing consumer behavior is very important for businesses. Data is collected from various sources; such as social networks, websites and mobile devices to understand how users interact with products and services online. The objective of this research was to monitor digital consumer behavior throughEye-Tracking. A literature review was carried out on the algorithms and metrics most used with eyetracking devices. To determine the behavior of the digital user, tests of user experience andsatisfaction were carried out, with 40 participants from the Technical University of Manabí located in the city of Portoviejo-Ecuador, with the websites (Amazon and Booking) highly e- commerceplatforms. used worldwide, of which eleven interfaces were chosen that were rated by users. Theresults showed that the selected metrics (Fixation and Extraction) were useful to evaluate thebehavior of digital consumers, since the first, for example, reveals the time that the client held his gaze on an area or object on the site. In question, on the other hand, saccades are voluntary or involuntary movements from one point to another on an interface; determining that there are areas(headers) that visibly go unnoticed by the user in their first interaction with the sales platform. In conclusion, the analysis of Areas of Interest (AOI) offers accurate data with which informed strategicdecisions can be made to improve the design of marketing websites to increase sales.


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How to Cite

Villaprado Ortiz, Y. L., & Vaca-Cárdenas, L. (2024). Monitoring of digital consumer behavior, using data extracted with an eye – tracking. Scientific Journal of Informatics ENCRYPT - ISSN: 2737-6389., 7(14).