


Pardon, right, personal integrity, freedom, guarantee


Guaranteeing the right to personal integrity of those who are confined in the rehabilitation centers of Ecuador is an outstanding debt of the State; that he could not solve. Being the objective of the investigation to study the right to personal integrity of persons deprived of liberty, and the figure of pardon as a constitutional guarantee. Through the bibliographic, documentary and field study, the same one that was qualitatively based on the application of interviews with justice operators. In order to know from the criteria of those who are part of the operation of the State in the rehabilitation processes. The interview was open semi-structured with a non-formal script; but if contemplative of aspects that denigrate the very condition of being human beings due to the fact of having lost freedom. The interpretation of the findings determined that: overcrowding, extreme violence, the lack of rehabilitative prison policies, corruption, discretionary preventive detention, the same conception of gender; among other aspects, they are phenomena that have an impact on the impairment of the personal integrity of the inmates and inmates or how they define themselves; for the non-application of the pardon to other criminal figures that allow them to recover their freedom.


KEYWORDS: Pardon, right, personal integrity, freedom, guarantee


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How to Cite

Tite, S. R., Haro Lara , A. P., & Montero Solano , J. P. (2024). THE STALKING OF PERSONAL INTEGRITY AND INSTITUTIONAL NORMALIZATION FROM A GENDER PERSPECTIVE. Revista Científica Y Arbitrada De Ciencias Sociales Y Trabajo Social: Tejedora. ISSN: 2697-3626, 7(13 EDICION ESPECIAL), 293–311.