


Public Policy, Diagnosis of a Public Problem, Health, Housing, Older Adults


This article analyzes the importance of community participation in identifying the public health needs of older adults in Tisaleo. A social policy is proposed to the local government that includes the creation of a basic hospital and a geriatric center to meet these needs. The methodology used was descriptive and comparative. The Municipality of Tisaleo and the Faculty of Jurisprudence and Social Sciences of the Technical University of Ambato interviewed 80 older adults. The responses were coded into ordinal and percentage data. The study confirms that community involvement is crucial to identifying the public health needs of the older population. In addition, the importance of formulating public policies that address these needs is highlighted. In the post-study stage, a questionnaire was applied to the elderly population. This questionnaire was based on previous coding, which allowed it to be compared with the data of the diagnostic phase. The results of the implementation of public health strategies showed a slight increase in the perception of older adults about their health, life satisfaction and support networks. The diagnosis of the post-quality of life test was raised, leading to the proposal to create a hospital and geriatric center as social projects. It is concluded that the diagnostic tools and implementation strategies have been positive and that make it possible to serve as a model for other populations with similar problems who wish to improve the quality of life of their elderly.


Key Words: Public Policy, Diagnosis of a Public Problem, Health, Housing, Older Adults


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How to Cite

Paredes, T. de J., Carrillo Torres, S. S., & Espín Miniguano, A. D. (2024). PUBLIC HEALTH AND WELLNESS POLICIES IN OLDER ADULTS. Revista Científica Y Arbitrada De Ciencias Sociales Y Trabajo Social: Tejedora. ISSN: 2697-3626, 7(13 EDICION ESPECIAL), 194–206.