Disappearances, Family, Human Rights, State, InvisibilityAbstract
This research analyzes the social, family, and legal situation experienced by the relatives of missing persons during the search processes. The target population for this study was the relatives of missing persons who collaborate with the Association of Relatives and Friends of Missing Persons in Ecuador (ASFADEC), an organization focused on seeking truth, justice, and remembrance in cases of missing persons and those who have been found deceased. This study examines the processes and life stories of families whose missing relatives’ cases are accompanied by ASFADEC. A mixed methodology, including qualitative and quantitative approaches, was employed. Initially, a Likert scale questionnaire was used to record quantitative data on the various daily challenges faced by the relatives. Subsequently, five (5) life stories were documented to understand the family experiences and the journey they have undertaken during the search. The theoretical- conceptual approach to the study involved three (3) categories aimed at analyzing the social, family, legal aspects, and the issue's invisibility. Among the main findings, it was concluded that 70.6% of relatives of missing persons have been unable to resume their daily activities after the disappearance of their loved ones. Additionally, 47.1% of the interviewees indicated a low level of awareness among Ecuadorian society regarding the issue of disappearances in the country.
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