Social networks, older adults, family relationshipsAbstract
The objective of the research was to determine the influence of the use of technological social networks on family relationships in older adults, it was developed under a quantitative approach with a correlational and descriptive scope, the study group consisted of 183 older adults, 75.4% women and 24.6% men. For the collection of information, the FF-SIL Test was used to measure Family functioning, the family Apgar to measure family satisfaction and a questionnaire was designed to measure the use of social networks in older adults. The data obtained with the application of these instruments and the Rho Spearman statistical correlation analysis revealed that the use of social networks positively influences family relationships, it was verified, other important results were that 90.2% use social networks, 56.8% do so exclusively from the cell phone, the most visited social network is Facebook, with 31.1%, and in terms of the most visited content are thoughtful videos, funny with 43.2%. On the other hand, the population defines themselves as having a good domain (51.9%), and only 3.3% admit to having problems in managing the platforms.
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