Associativity and its influence on women's empowerment in associations of small banana growers from milagro




Women, gender, empowerment, participation, Associativity


Associativity has a fundamental role and influence on human empowerment in general, this article has as main objective to try to show how this organizational model influences female empowerment in associations of small banana producers, case study: Association of Agricultural Producers of the Canton Miracle Los Chirijos. Aspects such as public policies, participation and cooperation of the partners are studied. The research approach is qualitative, with some quantitative aspects for some general identification data, it is also combined with the exploratory and descriptive methodology; Data from secondary sources were collected through a documentary exploration that served for the contextualization and determination of the current state of the binding elements in the study, from where many of the results that provide substantial information come from; For the collection of primary data, an in-depth interview was used, among the results obtained by the interviews and according to some found theories, it is concluded that associativity is of vital importance for the empowerment of women and that integration must be promoted. of associativity of men and women, but that it is not enough with public policies of equality and/or the support of private organizations, rather than recommending, it is urgent to change the cultural thought that must be promoted from within the homes, mainly in Latin American countries


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How to Cite

Oviedo Enderica, D. N. ., & Mendoza Muñoz, B. A. . (2024). Associativity and its influence on women’s empowerment in associations of small banana growers from milagro. Revista Científica Y Arbitrada De Ciencias Sociales Y Trabajo Social: Tejedora. ISSN: 2697-3626, 6(12 Edición Especial), 238–256.