Analysis of current ecuadorian regulations for the intervention and management of drug-dependent pregnancies




Ecuadorian Regulations, Drug Addiction, Pregnancy, Protocols, Social Intervention


The objective of this study was to analyze the current Ecuadorian regulations for the care of pregnant women who are in the stage of consumption of psychotropic substances and narcotics. It is analyzed through a virtual survey disseminated by WhatsApp to health professionals and family groups that have had pregnant women and consume drugs. The survey meets a population of 360 people, of which 134 are health professionals and 226 belong to the family group. A survey is prepared with 4 variables extracted from the regulations and protocols; promotion, prevention, comprehensive care, and risk reduction, and each one is analyzed with the results of the survey. The SPSS statistical program is used for the tabulation and crossing of the variables, the results of the survey are evident, given the scarce compliance and ignorance of the regulations. At the same time, it is identified that there are no professionals responsible for timely follow-up, during the course and after discharge, which is why it is concluded that there is a double violation of the rights of both the mother and the infant born with neonatal abstinence syndrome. A focus group of 8 participants is also analyzed, of which 50% live on the streets and in the consumption stage, of this group they never attended a first-level medical center to receive care and have only attended when they have felt labor pains


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How to Cite

Cárdenas Núñez , K. L., & Villacreses-Álvarez, G. V. (2024). Analysis of current ecuadorian regulations for the intervention and management of drug-dependent pregnancies. Revista Científica Y Arbitrada De Ciencias Sociales Y Trabajo Social: Tejedora. ISSN: 2697-3626, 6(12 Edición Especial), 135–153.