


coverage, consumer, insurance, smart contract, technological financial services


The insurance contract contains an extensive catalogue of rights, obligations, and exclusions, among other aspects to which the insured has adhered, because it is a legal relationship, with the insurer that will grant coverage and indemnify. To the insured, within the agreed limits, if the loss provided for in the policy occurs. However, it is important to review the causes that may lead to ignorance of the insurance contract on the part of the consumer and how the Ecuadorian State has taken a step forward by issuing the FINTECH LAW that seeks to reduce information asymmetries between the consumer and insurance companies. It is necessary to clarify that FINTECH activities are not recent in Ecuador because they already have a history in the financial field. The novelty is its incorporation into the private insurance system. Finally, the results obtained from this analysis seek to address, in a motivated manner, whether the FINTECH LAW will be a mechanism to guarantee the rights of the insured against the insurer in terms of a full understanding of the insurance contract.

Keywords: coverage, consumer, insurance, smart contract, technological financial services.


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How to Cite

Carrión-Márquez, C. A. (2023). FINTECH LAW OF ECUADOR AS A CONSUMER PROTECTION MECHANISM WITHIN THE INSURANCE SEGURE CONTRACT. Revista Científica Y Arbitrada De Ciencias Sociales Y Trabajo Social: Tejedora. ISSN: 2697-3626, 6(12), 99–120.