



Covid-19, transgender women, gender perspective, labour precariousness, health system


Covid-19 has been one of the pandemics that has wreaked havoc on society, leaving social inequalities as the main visibility, and highlighting the discriminatory factor against vulnerable populations. The objective of the research is to reveal the risk factors presented during the covid-19 pandemic in the population of transgender women in the city of Portoviejo. In order to develop the data collection, a methodology with a phenomenological approach and the qualitative method was applied, which used the interview instrument to obtain the results. In addition, for the effective validation of the results, scientific rigour and the application of software were used to allow the validation and descriptive correlation of the information obtained. The main findings show that transgender women suffered conditioning in health care, which also limited employment options, leaving several of them without employment and income. The research's conclusions point to the fact that the factors associated with this pandemic were generated in health care, because this being one of the most affected systems, it did not comply with the level of care, demonstrating the lack of equality in conditions of rights in this population.

Keywords: Covid-19, transgender women, gender perspective, labour precariousness, health system.


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How to Cite

Reyes-Zambrano, F. L., & Cedeño-Barreto, M. D. L. Ángeles. (2023). RISK FACTORS ASSOCIATED WITH THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC IN TRANSGENDER WOMEN: "GBLTI UNITED WE ARE MORE ASSOCIATION". Revista Científica Y Arbitrada De Ciencias Sociales Y Trabajo Social: Tejedora. ISSN: 2697-3626, 6(12), 75–86. https://doi.org/10.56124/tj.v6i12.0095