


Crime, economic criminal law, state, white collar crime, law


The objective of the investigation was to analyze the Madoff, Enron and Parmalat cases and the answers given by Economic Criminal Law, through the identification of the nine propositions of Sutherland's 1947 Principles of Criminology and the State intervention mechanisms to criminal phenomenon that limits the enjoyment of rights; by having to dust off questioned practices typical of gendarme states that seek to protect the economy over the subject. Falling into limitations to their freedoms was the identified problem. The referent of the investigation was the inductive method; supported by the descriptive research level from the identification of particularities through the analysis of multiple cases of Huberman and Miles, which is a qualitative technique. The methodological application was based on the analysis and determination of relevant facts of the Madoff case, Enron in the United States and Parmalat in Italy. Cases of economic crime covered by the same states. Concluding that economic criminal law; it stands as an immediate response from the State to the new forms of economic crime and from this it seeks to carry out social control by creating new criminal figures or giving existing ones a more burdensome nuance. Limiting the rights of equality and freedom of the most depressed groups in society.

Keywords: Crime, economic criminal law, state, white collar crime, law.


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How to Cite

Tite, S. R., Bonifaz-Díaz, D. R., & Haro-Lara, A. P. (2023). LAWLESS, WHITE-COLLAR CRIMES: FROM SUTHERLAND’S PERSPECTIVE. Revista Científica Y Arbitrada De Ciencias Sociales Y Trabajo Social: Tejedora. ISSN: 2697-3626, 6(12), 42–54.