


Domestic violence, sociocultural factors, asymmetry, psychological aggression, physical aggression, family coexistence


Intrafamily violence is understood from a gender perspective any action committed in the family nucleus, whether by one or more of its members causing them physical, psychological, economic or sexual harm, the same that has generated the deterioration of affective and communicative relationships in the family system, determining the impact it has had on women in the Santa Rosa parish, Cantón Salinas, through the application of qualitative methodology. For this study, 7 women victims of violence were interviewed randomly and individually within the family, to find out what factors are involved in the execution of the violence and how this affects their lives and those of their children. Among the main findings, it was evidenced that women victims of violence present emotional-psychological effects and for fear of being judged by society, they fear denouncing the perpetrators, who are their partners, who are mostly fishermen who consume illegal substances subject to control as something. Common and habitual, on the other hand, do not know the course of action and protocols in case of violence.

Keywords: Domestic violence, sociocultural factors, asymmetry, psychological aggression, physical aggression, family coexistence.


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How to Cite

Vera-Del Pezo, M. J. (2022). INTRA-FAMILY VIOLENCE: FROM A GENDER APPROACH. Revista Científica Y Arbitrada De Ciencias Sociales Y Trabajo Social: Tejedora. ISSN: 2697-3626, 5(10), 116–128.