

sustainability, sustainability, human rights, environment, development objectives, principles


Sustainable or sustainable development is framed in ensuring the permanence of natural resources preserving the present and the future, which is based on the objectives of sustainable development (agenda 21) seeks a balance between the environment and development to achieve a state of well-being , an important aspect for the globalized world we live in. The approach to this issue is considered in the different fields of knowledge to have a global vision, about science and technology, to have a political culture based on the ethics of sustainability in values, beliefs, feelings and knowledge of life survival and the planet. Among the aspects based are human rights as a source of universal law, education as a way to promote an awareness of development and preserve society. The principle of prevention is based on the logic of precaution as well as a development that allows sustainability and sustainability, safeguarding the healthy and clean environment, this principle is thought in international conventions and treaties; the principle of cooperation announced in the Rio declaration, which calls for cooperation between States in key sectors of societies and individuals; the principle of responsibility that encourages the responsibility of the actors in a fair and proportionate manner; These principles mentioned to the 16 sustainable development goals that announce to apply the aforementioned, Ecuador has articulated these objectives in the agenda, public policies and in the development plan a whole life.

Keywords: sustainability, sustainability, human rights, environment, development objectives, principles.


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How to Cite

Tamayo-Vásquez, F. M., Pascumal-Luna, R. F., & Maisanche-Tomarima, D. A. (2021). THE PRINCIPLE OF SUSTAINABILITY IN ECUADOR. Revista Científica Y Arbitrada De Ciencias Sociales Y Trabajo Social: Tejedora. ISSN: 2697-3626, 4(8), 202–216. Retrieved from