Prevention of forms of intrafamily violence, causes and consequences in the inhabitants of the Miramar sector of Manta, Ecuador

Investigation article


  • Eunice Carolina Canseco-Montesdeoca Investigadora independiente. Manta, Ecuador.
  • Mayra Lisbeth Rivera-Molina Investigadora independiente. Manta, Ecuador.
  • Carmita Álvarez-Santana Consejera del Consejo de Educación Superior, CES. Quito, Ecuador.


Violence, family, woman, children, aggressor


Intra-family violence is any act or omission committed by a family member in a power relationship, regardless of the physical space where it occurs. It is an issue that in recent years has grown notably due to the lack of awareness that citizens have about this problem that afflicts our society. The objective of the present study is to determine the different phases of domestic violence, its causes and effects, to take alternatives that prevent aggression in the study population. The study has been designed under the descriptive method, since it described the main modalities of formation, structuring or change of a phenomenon, as well as its relationships with others. In addition, deductive and inductive methods were applied through observation, survey and interview techniques. It was found that 70% of the families surveyed in the Miramar neighborhood of Manta, Ecuador, mention that they know about domestic violence, perhaps their responses are related to cases observed or experienced by themselves.

Keywords: Violence, family, woman, children, aggressor.


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How to Cite

Canseco-Montesdeoca, E. C., Rivera-Molina, M. L., & Álvarez-Santana, C. (2019). Prevention of forms of intrafamily violence, causes and consequences in the inhabitants of the Miramar sector of Manta, Ecuador: Investigation article. Revista Científica Y Arbitrada De Ciencias Sociales Y Trabajo Social: Tejedora. ISSN: 2697-3626, 2(3), 2–11. Retrieved from