Interfamily Violence and Interdisciplinary Intervention in Times of COVID-19



Cultura, familia, interdisciplinario, masculinidad, violencia doméstica


The objective of the research study was to analyze whether the cases of domestic violence that occurred during COVID 19 modified the interdisciplinary intervention in the care units. The methodology used was of a mixed qualitative-qualitative nature. The qualitative research was based on reports received from professionals in the areas of social work, psychology, law in free practice, officials of domestic violence care units and victims who at a certain time went to file a complaint in public offices, which was not specified at the request of the reporters. The quantitative research by means of the Friedman test or non-parametric test because it was a small sample, with similar characteristics, especially identical criteria, allowed the analysis and interpretation of the results of the survey applied to four professionals in the exercise of their functions. By means of triangulation, it was found that domestic violence has had an impact on interdisciplinary intervention in times of covid-19. Especially in the neglect of the processes, given the priority of preserving life.

Keywords: Culture, family, interdisciplinary, masculinity, domestic violence.


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How to Cite

Tite-Segundo, R., Santamaría-Guisamana, S. E., & Caicedo-Vargas, D. F. (2022). Interfamily Violence and Interdisciplinary Intervention in Times of COVID-19. Revista Científica Y Arbitrada De Ciencias Sociales Y Trabajo Social: Tejedora. ISSN: 2697-3626, 5(9), 115–128. Retrieved from