COVID-19 and heart rate based on anxiety in adolescents while playing Fortnite: Ecuador case



Electronic games, sport, leisure, health, free time


The objective of the research was to investigate how the heart rate varies according to anxiety in adolescents while playing Fortnite in time of COVID-19 understood as a contagious disease that has modified lifestyles apparently developed within the contexts of everyday life. Given the emerging measures taken especially by the Ministerial Ministry of Education, face-to-face classes took on a virtual learning modality, apparently guaranteed by policies, plans and programs that guarantee learning and the use of free time. This aspect has allowed more time to be devoted to electronic games, especially Fortnite, and generates anxiety. The aforementioned has been verified through a quantitative methodology based on the Hamilton Anxiety Scale. Test consisting of 14 descriptors capable of identifying both physical and psychological   symptoms. Anxiety to play this video game is directly related to an increase in heart rate, it is considered a tachycardia problem when the beats per minute exceed the value of 100 in moments of sedentary lifestyle, and some of the participants in this research work exceeded this amount when playing video games.

Keywords: Electronic games, sport, leisure, health, free time.


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How to Cite

Bonifaz-Díaz, D. R., Tite-Haro, M. B., & Haro-Lara, A. P. (2021). COVID-19 and heart rate based on anxiety in adolescents while playing Fortnite: Ecuador case. Revista Científica Y Arbitrada De Ciencias Sociales Y Trabajo Social: Tejedora. ISSN: 2697-3626, 4(8), 67–80. Retrieved from