


Adolescents, Alcohol, Athletes


Alcohol consumption in adolescents is a public health problem of great relevance, since it can have serious short- and long-term consequences on their physical, mental and emotional development; The main objective of the research was to analyze the influences that lead adolescents to alcohol consumption, as well as develop intervention strategies to mitigate this problem.   The carried out research was based on the Review of existing bibliographic sources.  It was complemented with the combination of qualitative and quantitative methodology to reach a correlational approach to determine the influence that leads adolescents to consume alcohol at an early age.  The obtained results and their discussion were fundamental for the understanding of the real problems of the study group and the fulfillment of the proposed objectives, thanks to the carried out analysis, it reveals that there is a high alcohol consumption in adolescents of Vilcabamba, both in men and women, who practice sports on the municipal fields of the Vilcabamba parish, which when trying to get along with their friends causes in them the desire to consume alcohol, in order to be accepted in their environment, these being the largest influence to consume alcohol.  This study has enormous importance in its preparation, Because, thanks to this study, it Will be possible to reach the essential part where this problem begins or is born, and in this way managing to erradicate it, that later Will be a big problem to the society.



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How to Cite

Ortega Abarca, J. A. ., & Orellana Pardo, G. E. . (2024). INFLUENCE ON ALCOHOL CONSUMPTION IN TEENAGERS WHO DO SPORTS IN PUBLIC PLACES OF VILCABAMBA. Revista Científica Y Arbitrada De Ciencias Sociales Y Trabajo Social: Tejedora. ISSN: 2697-3626, 7(15 EDICION ESPECIAL), 196–210.