Porter's Five Forces, SWOT, BCG Matrix, Strategic Map, PESTELAbstract
Analyzing the practical applications of several classic models in strategic planning in Ecuadorian public companies, it is of interest to disseminate it, considering its benefit in terms of continuous improvement. To do this, a methodology was applied based on methods and techniques of the theoretical level such as analysis-synthesis, induction-deduction, concrete-abstract and conceptual modeling, which allowed valid conclusions to be reached about their usefulness. The classic models identified in the strategic plan of various public institutions range from the SWOT Model (SWOT), Porter's Five Forces, PESTEL, BCG Matrix and the Strategic Map. It is concluded that the use of these varies and depends on the strategic direction, offering an analytical and orderly approach that thoroughly examines organizations both in their internal and external context, discovers opportunities and challenges, understands the competitive landscape and draws up plans for improvement. expansion to optimize resource allocation and effectively manage organizational changes. The integration of these models in strategic planning allows these organizations to make informed decisions, foresee possible scenarios and adapt with agility to a constantly changing business environment, which is succinctly shown in a guide that facilitates the selection and effective application. in different business contexts.
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