Inventory management to improve inventory control at the Neplos Car Multi-hardware store in the Manta canton, Manabí province

Investigation article


  • Gema Rocío Aveiga-Bello Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Facultad de Contabilidad y Auditoría. Manta – Ecuador.
  • Bosco Vera-Mendieta Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Facultad de Contabilidad y Auditoría. Manta – Ecuador.


Inventory management, function manual, inventory control, ABC system, policies and procedures


The general objective of this research was to analyze inventory management to improve stock control in the Neplos Car Multiferretería, thus achieving compliance with the objectives set. The descriptive methodology was used to know the behavior of the company and analyze the causes of the problem where it was determined that there is a lack of control of stocks, generating that at the time of sales there is a lack of information and many times they do not have the products necessary for customer satisfaction. The information was obtained through field research, with the application of research instruments such as the interview with the Manager and the observation file of the processes given in the company and the SWOT, it was determined which are the deficiencies that originate the Weak inventory management, these methodologies made it possible to identify the problem and determine its probable solution. For which the design of a Manual of functions, procedures and policies was proposed as an alternative solution, to improve inventory management and internal control in the Neplos Car Multiferretería of the Manta Canton, promoting a culture of control and order in this organization. The respective conclusions about the company were worked out, the recommendations that should be followed, especially the execution of the functions based on the implemented manual.

Keywords: Inventory management, function manual, inventory control, ABC system, policies and procedures.


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How to Cite

Aveiga-Bello, G. R., & Vera-Mendieta, B. (2020). Inventory management to improve inventory control at the Neplos Car Multi-hardware store in the Manta canton, Manabí province: Investigation article. Revista Científica Arbitrada Multidisciplinaria De Ciencias Contables, Auditoría Y Tributación: CORPORATUM 360 - ISSN: 2737-6443., 3(5), 11–20. Retrieved from