
  • Freddy Rodolfo Lalaleo-Analuisa Instituto Superior Tecnológico España - ISTE. Ambato – Ecuador



strategies, business management, associations, artisans, strategic planning


The objective of this research is to develop innovative commercial management strategies for the Leather and Related Artisanal Association of the Quisapincha parish (ASOARCAQ); given that, in recent years, this association has presented a series of problems related to commercial issues. To achieve this, the methodology used presents a mixed approach; that is, qualitative and quantitative, supported by bibliographic research that will allow the field and object of study to be theoretically supported. Additionally, an on-site study was developed where a survey was applied to sixty-five people to know the current state of the Association. Among the main findings, organizational shortcomings were evident that were increased by the health crisis that the world experienced, because the channel most used by associates was only the interaction between producer and consumer, which was affected during the period of confinement, which is why the need arose to look for new alternatives for the marketing of the product. The main conclusions mention that through strategic planning, appropriate strategies can be defined that allow improving the situation of the association and achieving the desired objectives.


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How to Cite

Lalaleo-Analuisa, F. R. (2023). COMMERCIAL MANAGEMENT STRATEGIES IN CRAFT ASSOCIATIONS. ASOARCAQ CASE STUDY. Revista Científica Arbitrada Multidisciplinaria De Ciencias Contables, Auditoría Y Tributación: CORPORATUM 360 - ISSN: 2737-6443., 6(12), 2–15.