Eviscerado en la pesca artesanal, y su impacto ambiental en la caleta pesquera del recinto “Los Arenales”, parroquia Crucita, segundo semestre del 2013

Investigation article


  • Ana Isabel Pazmiño-Moreira Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Centro de Estudios de Posgrado, Investigación, Relaciones y Cooperación Internacional. Manta – Ecuador.
  • Alfonso Vera-Santana Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Centro de Estudios de Posgrado, Investigación, Relaciones y Cooperación Internacional. Manta – Ecuador.


Development, fish, economic, activities


Artisanal fishing in the country develops along the entire coastline from the beach line to 40 nautical miles inland, also generating great economic dynamism in the sector where it is developed, currently becoming an important pillar within the chain of value of fishing because the volumes that this activity handles are of great importance for the fishing industry. In the specific case of the Los Arenales enclosure, this has become one of the main fishing coves that supplies raw material to the canning industry of sardines, mackerel, horse mackerel, red eye, among others of the many small pelagic species used for The elaboration of this product, however such recognition has been clouded by the different types of environmental pollution that this activity generates, since the gutting and artisanal head-cutting of fish carried out in rudimentary infrastructures without any type of quality control and environmental control has created serious problems for the authorities that control and regulate this type of activity. The project “gutted in artisanal fishing and its environmental impact in the fishing cove of the “Los Arenales ”enclosure, parroquia Crucita, second semester of 2013”, consisted of identifying, diagnosing, qualifying and quantifying the multiple impacts that these pre-processing centers artisan products generate and then document the impacts to propose and design regulations that allow improving these raw material preparation centers, facilitating the control and regulation of this productive activity. The proposal of this work will be developed by an interdisciplinary team made up of representatives of those public entities in charge of regulating and controlling this type of activity, through the tabulation of the surveys, information was determined that will serve as the main input for the established worktables. in the schedule of activities of the inter-institutional and interdisciplinary commission.

Keywords: Development, fish, economic, activities.


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How to Cite

Pazmiño-Moreira, A. I., & Vera-Santana, A. (2020). Eviscerado en la pesca artesanal, y su impacto ambiental en la caleta pesquera del recinto “Los Arenales”, parroquia Crucita, segundo semestre del 2013: Investigation article. Revista Científica Arbitrada De Posgrado Y Cooperación Internacional CLAUSTRO - ISSN: 2737-6478., 3(6), 2–11. Retrieved from https://publicacionescd.uleam.edu.ec/index.php/claustro/article/view/133