Psychoemotional conditions in women with breast cancer at the “Padre Matias Mujica Foundation”, Portoviejo 2022-2023


  • Mariela Yesenia Chávez Intriago Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabi
  • Nicolle Alexandra Rodríguez Esmeralda Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabi



breast cancer, psychological reactions, women


Cancer is a disease that totally alters the life of those who suffer from it, representing a great challenge in several ways for both the patient and their families. The present investigation determines the psychoemotional conditions of women who have been diagnosed with breast cancer within the Padre Matías Mujica Foundation; in relation to the culi-quantitative, descriptive and exploratory methodology, in which 15 patients with breast cancer participated in the SOLCA-Portoviejo Oncology Unit and who currently go to the Padre Matías Mujica foundation. For this, a semi-structured interview, observation, the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS), and the Self-Esteem Scale (EAR-Rosenberg) were used; which showed a high level of validity and reliability. Regarding the results obtained, it was found that the highest percentage of patients with breast cancer present a high level of depression, self-esteem and social isolation, impacting their physical and psychological well-being. The findings thus highlight that cancer patients are a vulnerable population due to the physical and emotional wear and tear experienced by those who suffer from it


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How to Cite

Chávez Intriago, M. Y. ., & Rodríguez Esmeralda, N. A. (2024). Psychoemotional conditions in women with breast cancer at the “Padre Matias Mujica Foundation”, Portoviejo 2022-2023. Revista Científica Y Arbitrada De Psicología NUNA YACHAY - ISSN: 2697-3588., 6(11), 21–36.



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