


organizational climate, leadership, communication, catering company


The fundamental objective of this research was to determine the relationship between the variables organizational climate and leadership from the work environment; For which the company Consorcio Andino S.A., dedicated to the provision of Catering services, is taken as a case study. A type of quantitative research was applied with correlational and descriptive analysis, since numerical and reliable data evaluation was required. In this way, an adaptation of the Instrument of Organizational Climate and Leadership (IMCOL) of Aurora Mellano (2005) was made. The data analysis was carried out through the SPSS 23 statistical program. The results allowed us to establish that there is a significant correlation between the study variables, especially with regard to the perception of the reliability of the information and the communication of subordinates, expressed in a Pearson correlation value of 0.990. This shows that the way staff perceive their work environment influences their behavior and the leadership activities exerted on them. In summary, t

he organizational climate and leadership are fundamental aspects for the well-being and productivity of employees in a catering company. It is crucial to work on improving communication between subordinates to create a positive work environment and encourage the integration and commitment of staff with the organization.


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How to Cite

Zambrano Álvarez , G. P. ., Villavicencio Morales , K., Yulan Negrete , H., & Zambrano Montesdeoca , L. D. . (2024). ORGANIZATIONAL CLIMATE AND LEADERSHIP, A GENERALIZED ANALYSIS FROM THE WORK ENVIRONMENT. Revista Científica Arbitrada Multidisciplinaria De Ciencias Contables, Auditoría Y Tributación: CORPORATUM 360 - ISSN: 2737-6443., 7(13), 2–17.