


green marketing, buying behavior, innovation, millennials


Consumer awareness for the environment is growing, which is why companies fight to be careful with the ecosystem, making use of green marketing. The objective of this study was "to determine how green marketing influences the purchasing behavior of millennials in Manta", with a total of 80,657 generational members, which resulted in a sample of 383 people, applying the respective formula. The method used was inductive, with a qualitative-quantitative design, applying different investigative typologies, such as field, bibliographic, descriptive, and correlational. The instrument/construct (survey) was validated through the "Cronbach's Alpha" coefficient, obtaining a degree of reliability of 0.947, according to the SPSS-27 statistic, in addition to meeting the objectives set and testing the hypotheses, it is revealed that sustainable practices become a motivator for both individuals and companies, in favor of responsible consumption.


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How to Cite

Sánchez-Alcívar, M. E., Ponce-Andrade , J. E., & Loor-Moreira, A. J. (2023). INFLUENCE OF GREEN MARKETING ON THE PURCHASING BEHAVIOR OF MILLENNIALS IN MANTA. Revista Científica Arbitrada Multidisciplinaria De Ciencias Contables, Auditoría Y Tributación: CORPORATUM 360 - ISSN: 2737-6443., 6(12), 51–74.