user, institution, satisfactionAbstract
The research aimed to evaluate external user satisfaction in emergency management and response times of the Integrated Security Service ECU911 in Manabí. Using a qualitative-quantitative approach, objective and subjective aspects of the service were analyzed, using semiannual surveys applied to citizens who had used the emergency service. The results were grouped into seven key categories, such as survey compliance, call mortality, satisfaction levels, arrival of the requested unit, reasons for dissatisfaction, perception of resource arrival time and reliability levels, according to parameters established by the Ministry of Labor. An improvement was observed in some indicators, such as satisfaction with health management, while others, such as the perception of citizen security and traffic, presented challenges. In addition, the study identified a deterioration in the perception of reliability in 2023 and a decrease in satisfaction with response times, suggesting areas for improvement in the planning and logistical efficiency of the service. In conclusion, the study highlights the need to optimize processes to promote user satisfaction and consolidate the image of ECU911 as a reliable and efficient service.
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