Police training, retirement, personnel management, entrepreneurship, private companiesAbstract
The purpose of this research was the analysis of the transition of National Police officers from active to passive status, when they retire, since they have integral competency training, since it involves professional competencies based on hard skills of attention and citizen service and soft skills of critical thinking, teamwork, order and discipline. Due to the degree of complexity and specificity of their professional capacities of public order to which they devote a large part of their lives; when they reach retirement, they have problems in starting a new lifestyle. For this reason, the present research was approached from the epistemological orientation of the Theory of Transcomplexity, with a qualitative approach. The subjects of the study were 10 police officers who were interviewed by means of saturation, description, contrast and triangulation techniques, thus supporting the content analysis in the so-called generative context. The results revealed that the process of disengagement of the subjects of study is not friendly and that the human talent does not carry out actions to break the stereotype of active to passive, for a new scheme of active to active. Since when they leave, they are productive and highly experienced people who are capable of generating new sources of employment, the aforementioned department should assume the responsibility of developing in them entrepreneurial skills in private companies, business accounting, taxation and leadership for the creation of businesses.
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