


catch per unit effort, sea surface temperature, variability, space distribution, tuna


Skipjack tuna, Katsuwonus pelamis, is the species with the largest catches in the Eastern Pacific and on which the Ecuadorian fish processing industry depends to a large extent. Therefore, it is significant to analyze the spatial and temporal variation of skipjack tuna in the fishing zone with the purpose to optimize its exploitation. The information on sets made and their outcome came from observers on board of a group of vessels from the Ecuadorian purse-seine fleet that operated in the Eastern Pacific Ocean (EPO) during 2019-2021. The catches of the group of vessels evaluated varied between 390 t in 2019 and 801 t in 2020, and were made within a SST interval between 23°C and 31°C, being more frequent those made in waters with 26°C. The highest catch per unit of effort (CPUE) was observed in 2020 with 7.9 t/haul and the lowest in 2019 reaching 4.33 t/haul. Most of the catches occurred beyond 200 nautical miles. No concentration of resource abundance was observed in particular areas as the species does not appear to be concentrated in thermally defined areas, since abundance fluctuated widely with temperature. It is concluded that K. pelamis did not show a defined spatial distribution pattern during the evaluated period.

Keywords: catch per unit effort, sea surface temperature, variability, space distribution, tuna.


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How to Cite

Zúñiga-Reinoso, A. B., & Alió-Mingo, J. J. (2022). SPATIAL AND TEMPORAL VARIATION OF THE CATCHES OF SKIPJACK TUNA KATSUWONUS PELAMIS (LINNAEUS, 1758) BY THE ECUADORIAN PURSE-SEINE FLEET IN THE EASTERN PACIFIC OCEAN DURING THE PERIOD 2019-2021. Revista Científica Arbitrada De Posgrado Y Cooperación Internacional CLAUSTRO - ISSN: 2737-6478., 5(10), 2–23.