Management of the solid waste generated in the artisanal fishing port of Jaramijó and its environmental impact. april to september 2018

Investigation article


  • Jéssica Monserrate Fernández-Macías Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Centro de Estudios de Posgrado, Investigación, Relaciones y Cooperación Internacional. Manta – Ecuador.
  • David Mero-Del Valle Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Centro de Estudios de Posgrado, Investigación, Relaciones y Cooperación Internacional. Manta – Ecuador.


Environmental pollution, solid waste, environmental impact


In the coastal area of the canton Jaramijó, the Artisanal Fishing Port has been operating for more than three years, contributing to the development of the artisanal fishing activity, where unloading and marketing activities of the product are carried out on the seashore, generating negative impacts on the environment. by the production of solid waste. This work proposes to determine the adequate management of solid waste minimizing the environmental impact produced by the productive areas of the Artisanal Fishing Port of Jaramijó. In this study, inductive, descriptive, and statistical methods are used to obtain concrete results in the processes of handling, storage, delivery, sweeping and cleaning, collection and transport, transfer and characterization of common solid waste and hazardous waste. For the identification and evaluation of possible environmental impacts, the importance matrix proposed by Dellavedova (2011) was used. The waste generated in artisanal fishing is determined and classified and a manual for solid waste management in the Fishing Port is proposed. Artesanal de Jaramijó, to minimize the impact that solid waste has on the environment.

Keywords: Environmental pollution, solid waste, environmental impact.


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How to Cite

Fernández-Macías, J. M., & Mero-Del Valle, D. (2019). Management of the solid waste generated in the artisanal fishing port of Jaramijó and its environmental impact. april to september 2018: Investigation article. Revista Científica Arbitrada De Posgrado Y Cooperación Internacional CLAUSTRO - ISSN: 2737-6478., 2(4), 2–13. Retrieved from