Analysis of the use of communication tools of the GAD Jipijapa and its impact on the institutional image towards society, in 2016

Investigation article


  • Teresa Marisol Quimis-Gómez Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Centro de Estudios de Posgrado, Investigación, Relaciones y Cooperación Internacional. Manta – Ecuador.
  • Carmita Álvarez-Santana Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Centro de Estudios de Posgrado, Investigación, Relaciones y Cooperación Internacional. Manta – Ecuador.


Gad Jipijapa, communications tools, corporate image


This research is a trial that is carried out to the Decentralized Autonomous Government of the Jipijapa canton (GAD), which is born from the experience as a professional of social communication, in which weaknesses are identified in the projection of the institutional image of the GAD, that affects the communicational relationship between citizens and the authorities of the Mayor's Office. It is determined that the Jipijapa Municipal GAD not only does not use communication tools adequately, but that it does not have policies or a plan that strategically manages the external communication of the Municipality towards society, who many times are unaware of the processes implemented by their government local. The theory that sustains the research starts from the philosophical support of Good Living and the laws related to communication in Ecuador; Likewise, the study variables are justified with the theoretical contribution of various authors on conceptions and approaches of communicational tools and corporate or institutional image. Finally, conclusions and recommendations are issued, which are developed in a proposal for a Communication Plan that are in the last part from the development of communication protocols that aim to improve the image of the Municipal GAD of Jipijapa.

Keywords: Gad Jipijapa, communications tools, corporate image.


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How to Cite

Quimis-Gómez, T. M., & Álvarez-Santana, C. (2018). Analysis of the use of communication tools of the GAD Jipijapa and its impact on the institutional image towards society, in 2016: Investigation article. Revista Científica Arbitrada De Posgrado Y Cooperación Internacional CLAUSTRO - ISSN: 2737-6478., 1(1), 12–21. Retrieved from