Importance of communication between teachers and administrators in an Ecuadorian elementary school
teacher-administrator communication, communication effectiveness, work experience, improvement actionsAbstract
Research on communication between administrators and teachers makes it possible to identify and address communication barriers, improve the work environment and optimize the fulfillment of educational functions. The objective of the research was to identify the importance of communication between teachers and administrators in an ecuadorian elementary school. The sample included 14 teachers and one administrative officer. A descriptive correlational design was used, applying a survey with a five-point Likert scale to measure the perception of institutional communication. Statistical methods included Cronbach's Alpha test to evaluate internal consistency and Somers' D coefficient to analyze the relationship between ordinal variables. The results showed deficiencies in the clarity and frequency of communication, with a significant percentage of respondents showing disagreement or neutrality. Work experience influenced perception, with the most experienced teachers having the highest rates of dissatisfaction. A critical need was identified to improve effectiveness in problem solving and participation in decision making. Recommendations included the implementation of a weekly newsletter, regular meetings, and communication skills training. These actions seek to improve cohesion and effectiveness in the school environment, contributing to a more positive work climate and student academic success.
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