Efficacy of Psychological Therapy in the Treatment of Addictions to Psychoactive Substances: A Narrative Review


  • Frank Alcívar Bravo Universidad Técnica de Manabí




Addiction therapy, humanistic current, behavioral currents, psychotherapy, treatment


Addiction is a problem that impacts all areas of life for people who suffer from it, causing a significant deterioration in physical and mental health, as well as an intense level of dependence and withdrawal disorder when not consuming the substance for a period of time. certain time.

Therapeutic interventions have evolved considerably from early approaches based primarily on detoxification and withdrawal. Currently, various therapeutic modalities are used, including behavioral-based treatments. This work is a narrative review of the literature that synthesizes and critically analyzes the available evidence on the effectiveness of psychological therapy in the treatment of addictions to psychoactive substances. The objective of this work is to determine the psychological currents that are currently most used and most effective in the treatment of addiction to psychoactive substances. The identification of the best psychotherapeutic treatments was achieved through the analysis of various research carried out currently. Previous studies have shown that evidence-based therapies, such as cognitive-behavioral therapy, and humanistic therapies are effective in many cases. From the approach of the behavioral and humanistic current, greater effectiveness was demonstrated in the treatment of addiction, and greater adherence over time, so that patients treated psychotherapeutically from these approaches managed to recover and reintegrate into society in a sustained manner over time


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How to Cite

Alcívar Bravo, F. . (2024). Efficacy of Psychological Therapy in the Treatment of Addictions to Psychoactive Substances: A Narrative Review. Revista Científica Y Arbitrada De Psicología NUNA YACHAY - ISSN: 2697-3588., 6(11), 60–69. https://doi.org/10.56124/nuna-yachay.v6i11.006