Family dysfunction from different psychological systems: a narrative review of the literature


  • Marissa Inriago Pérez Universidad Tecnica de Manabí



family, dysfunctionality, theories, psychology


The family is the nucleus of society and its functionality is the key to its development. Over time, its dynamics have been studied in search of understanding the integral development or distortion of this nucleus, which ranges from the patterns of interaction to the relationships and roles that each member plays and that influence the development of its members, so the present research work aims to analyze family dysfunction from various psychological systems, which have been developed independently to achieve this. to the approach of an integrative view on the family. A narrative review of the literature was carried out, obtaining as a result of the search that the systemic approach is shown to be the most suitable for understanding family dysfunction, covering the routes and intervention techniques that have proven to be effective, such as establishment of limits, boxing, representation, variations in intensity, all of this seeking the benefit of the patient or patients who have come to the psychologist.


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How to Cite

Inriago Pérez, M. (2024). Family dysfunction from different psychological systems: a narrative review of the literature. Revista Científica Y Arbitrada De Psicología NUNA YACHAY - ISSN: 2697-3588., 6(11), 37–46.