
  • Bryant Steven Loor-Pilozo Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Facultad de Psicología. Manta – Ecuador.


Physical disability, academic performance, teachers, students, professional training


The present investigation was carried out with the purpose of analyzing the impact that physical disability entails in the academic performance of university students, analyzing the current processes of access and support, as well as evaluating the teaching strategies currently used by the teacher to work with students with physical disabilities, determine academic performance and investigate the use of current technologies to provide facilities in the classroom for students with physical disabilities. It is clear that the educational system, as responsible for education, can and should continue to propose new resources, methods and methodological strategies that allow and facilitate an adequate educational and professional transition for university students with disabilities. Given the importance and need to address the support and instruction of students throughout their professional training process to seek the development of skills and guarantee the best possible educational transition, it is necessary to have different effective tools that ensure that students present a positive academic performance upon completion of their studies.

Keywords: Physical disability, academic performance, teachers, students, professional training.


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How to Cite

Loor-Pilozo, B. S. (2021). PHYSICAL DISABILITY AND ITS INFLUENCE ON ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE. Revista Científica Y Arbitrada De Psicología NUNA YACHAY - ISSN: 2697-3588., 4(7), 8–13. Retrieved from